November 15, 2014

Three short years ago Brent and I made the plunge. Tied the knot. Got ourselves hitched. Whatever the kids are calling it these days, which is probably none of those expressions and something I wouldn’t understand, like woke and extra. 

Are you considered a newlywed three years in? I still feel it. I like to accept newlywed privileges when Brent and I are out and about. Just last weekend we were at a fancy brunch in the city and I mentioned it was our anniversary and proceeded to enjoy the complimentary champagne and chocolate truffles they brought out to our table. 

Just kidding, I would be too embarrassed to say something like that in hopes of a freebie. The very same day I paid over $27 for two beers at a Celtics game b/c I was too embarrassed to walk away after already placing the order. You want me to pay WHAT for a beer?! Is what I should have said and thrown the beer in the smug cashiers face, but I just paid and drank my $14 light beer, pretending it was the fancy stuff, like Blue Moon.

Maybe we’ll have a few drinks tonight while we watch the wedding video. It’s completely unabridged and unedited, starting w/ me and the girls getting ready and ending with the bouquet toss. And by “me and the girls getting ready” I mean standing around my parents dining room eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches we made the night before and sipping on champagne out of red solo cups. So yeah, I feel like we could throw back a few tonight while we spend ten hours debating if the dance floor was as lit in our memories as it was in real life. Why did the dance battles start at 8pm? Who thought a conga line was still a thing? I’m going to get to the bottom of this in roughly eight hours.
