DIY Happy Hour
(the extent of DIY happy hour; you know do-it-yourself ain't my scene)
I had one final exam today and was home by 4pm. Just in time to catch a Sex and the City and polish off the Mother’s Day leftovers from yesterday. That’s what I call #winning
We spent Mother’s Day in New Hampshire w/ Brent’s fam, toasting the beautiful weather w/ the first cook-out of the season. I took home no shortage of leftovers, as Brent’s mom is wont to do, and spent the afternoon relishing them all over again. We’re such a great family fit, it’s not even funny (try saying that five times fast).
As I was lounging on the couch this afternoon, I heard the key in the lock and glanced at the time. It was too early for Brent to be getting home, since it wasn’t even 5:30, so I figured I was about to get bust in on by the co-op board or something and was very pleased w/ myself for at least being fully dressed. Inappropriate, sure, seeing as how I was in a dress and my legs were askew all over the couch, but fully dressed, that’s definitely a start.
Turns out it was my BB, getting home unusually early at the same time he says he’s been getting home now that they have flex time and I’m never around at night to notice anyway. The start of finals week, combined w/ the fact that Brent and I were both home before 6pm, prompted an impromptu happy hour, hence the Coronas in the above pic.
Days like today were made for beers on the balcony. Days like today remind you, especially after the terrible, horrible, no good very bad winter we all endured, that living in the northeast is not a total rookie move.
Speaking of rookie moves, forgetting to bust out the sunscreen on the first 80 degree day is one of the worst offenders. I thought I moved to the shade before any damage was done, but the heat of my face right now is telling me otherwise. Be smart this summer, friends; don’t day drink sans sunblock.
Ugh I'm the worst about the day drinking sans sunscreen thing. It always starts out because I wasn't planning on being out or day drinking and then... well, you know what happens then.