Twenties Girl

October 2, 2016. 

It started innocently enough. But there’s a dark underside to today. Today, after all, is: wait for it…..







That’s right, folks. Dirty thirty club tomorrow, new member orientation right here. It’s weird and nostalgic and bittersweet and all the cliches from books and movies and friends who have already had their 30th. 

My 20’s were pretty great; college, Boston, Brent, weddings, adventures, reunions, and all the rest of the things that happen to a (fairly) educated white girl of a certain socio-economic standing. So obviously I’m concerned; your 20’s are meant for a fun, unfettered lifestyle, where mistakes are almost encouraged, as long as you learn from them and move on. But your 30’s? That’s when shit gets real. If you attempt a career change in your 30’s it’s b/c you got laid off and the proverbial wife and kids are forcing you into some dead-end job you hate just to make ends meet. If you fail at something in your 30’s, it’s not a funny story at the bar w/ your friends, it’s a real life indicator that you’re not cut out for anything beyond fast food cashier. If you don’t have a 401k and roth IRA by the time you’re 30, just get the razor blade and tie the noose already.

I know I’m psyching myself out and tomorrow and the weeks and months to follow will (hopefully) be typical, run-of-the-mill encounters. Lots of people have already turned 30; it’s hardly worth noting on my blog, not like I’ve spent the last month building up to it or anything. So here we go; I’ll see you kids on the other side.


Stephanie said…
Happy Birthday!!! Welcome to 30, it's actually pretty okay :)
Yeewuz said…
Hey, you've got plenty of time to get used to being in your 30's. You'll have it down within the next decade ;)
Brigid said…
somehow I didn't see these until just now, so thanks Steph! so far, it's actually pretty okay = D

now I'm just old like you, BB ; )