A Summer We Won't Soon Forget

I'm sitting at home, alone for the first time in months. Brent is meeting up with old friends from work and I wasn't invited didn't want to tag along. This is honestly the first time we've been apart since March. It's glorious. To have the house to myself, to eat dinner straight out the saucepan, to binge old SVU's and sing made-up songs to the cats as loud as I want. Everyone who has been home alone for quarantine and complaining about it being lonely or isolating is clearly lying through their teeth. 

To think life used to consist of nights like this fairly often is so strange. It's hard to remember life pre-rona. Some day we're going to watch 90's movies and not be horrified by the over-plucked eyebrows or platform shoes, but the jam-packed subway cars and proximity of restaurant tables. You want me to sit how close to someone?!

As strange as summer was, it flew by in a snap. Seems like only yesterday we were canceling our DC trip to see the cherry blossoms and wondering if this would all blow over by May. Now the mornings are comfortably cool and the sun is set by 7pm. 

The summer was a blur of pop-up patios, sipping beer on picnic tables, BBQ in the park. I enjoy being outside when it's nice out, and I feel like I was outside SO MUCH MORE this summer. For these reasons alone, I can't hate on 2020 like so many are (although this probably has more to do with the fact that I'm childless and not stuck with a baby/toddler/child, worrying about their mental health and education).

Before we say goodbye to the extraordinary summer of 2020, I wanted to acknowledge some of it's finer moments. It's been something, I'll say that. 



Anne said…
Crazy, isn't it, how life has changed? I look at ADS right now and I'm like "no masks? no distancing? what are they THINKING eating inside?" Sigh.
I don't think there will be any "return to normal"... more like a new normal. Guess I should get some more masks... ;)
Brigid said…
We're definitely looking at a new normal. That's not necessarily a bad thing, I just wish it would hurry up already! Stocking up on masks isn't a bad idea...