Well This is Embarrassing

what I'm usually doing when I should be making dinner 

Brent and I were in the Taco Bell drive-thru last night when we decided we need to start eating out less. It’s the same song and dance every few months; we do really well for a while w/ meal planning and eating in. Then something happens that throws the whole system out of whack; Brent gets a haircut one night, we have to pick up something at Home Depot the next, and before you know it we’ve eaten out for a week straight. It’s these very ordinary occurrences that somehow throw my whole meal prep system off course. The latest culprit? Summer.

But wait, you're saying, summer's over. You're right, technically; according to the calendar, it is indeed fall. But the last few days have been in the high 80's and the humidity is insane. It might as well be the middle of July. 

The last place I want to be is over a hot stove. If it's still light when I pick Brent up from the train we want to enjoy the longer daylight w/ a drink or two on a patio. Yes, we have our own patio we could dine on for free, but it’s just not the same as someone literally waiting on you.

The real reason we’ve been eating out so much is this funk I’m in. I could give you the same excuse I give Brent “I’m in a kitchen all day, I’m not cooking at home, too” but that’s not entirely true. I like cooking, especially just for me and Brent. It’s where I can be creative and try new things and not have to worry about food costs and precise measurements. 

The truth is that I’ve lost my mojo.

Every night between 5:30 and 6pm, the panic starts to creep in. 

What am I going to make for dinner? 

Do I have enough time to thaw the chicken?

Damn it, I thought I bought Kraft mac and cheese at the supermarket.

Will Brent care if we have grilled cheese for the third time this week?

Oh right, I ate the mac and cheese for my post-workout snack.

I could really go for a crunchwrap right now. 

And then we end up at Taco Bell, discussing the merits of the 7 layer burrito versus the 5 layer (the 5 layer is the clear choice). 

You'll be happy to know I’ve got some meal ideas planned for the rest of the week, which rely heavily on bread and cheese. No, not grilled cheese, thankyouverymuch. Frozen pizza for the win. If it’s a supreme, we even get our veggies in. Look at me, planning meals like a boss.
